3 Responses

  1. Ophelia
    Ophelia January 12, 2013 at 2:30 pm |

    It’s really interesting that your draw analysis of the men’s 2006 French Open was mainly about the seeds being sown for future storylines, while your draw analysis here of a women’s final that came 2 years later is mainly about potential future storylines that ultimately failed to bear fruit. Funny how things work out sometimes.

  2. Jewell
    Jewell January 13, 2013 at 3:00 am |

    Enjoyed this very much. Completely agree with the comments on the WTA’s often-misguided marketing, although I’ve heard a contrary opinion, which is that it helps to encourage girls to take up and keep up sport – the idea that sportswomen can’t be feminine is still quite a strong one, and so part of the WTA’s emphasis may be to counter that.

    Slight tangent – how often does one see things like “women’s tennis should be graceful” in comments; or “Radwanska is such a feminine player compared to the muscly ones who only know about power and no brain?” Too fucking often, IMO.

    People forget just how good Ivanovic was, up to and including her French Open win. I hear “fluke” hovering on the edge of conversations so much – and it really wasn’t. It was the culmination of a year of great play.

    If we’re talking serves deserting players for no apparent reason, I’d put Ana in that category rather than Maria. Sharapova’s shoulder injury and surgery really wrecked her serve for her – and the reason people kept on mentioning it in commentary is that the effects were still visible years later. Maybe even *are* still visible, despite last year’s return to #1 & career slam.

    Love the glimpses of Baby Caro and Baby Vika. I also remember when people talked them up as the rivalry of the distant future. Again, hasn’t worked out that way, at least not so far. I think Caroline played Jankovic at Wimbledon that year, and really showed her stuff – IIRC she took a set. First time I’d seen her play and I really enjoyed it. She seems to have lost some of her energy and visible fight since then.

    I’m not saying you’re doing this, Linz, at all – but sometimes, the hoping for Vaidisova to make a comeback strikes me as a bit entitled. She’s clearly happy where she is now, and it’s equally clear that playing tennis on tour didn’t make her happy. Do we really want her to come back when she’s made it very clear that she doesn’t want to? What does it say about us that we want her back despite her feelings on the matter? Why can’t we just leave her alone and respect the choices she’s made? (and why can’t we just get over the fact that she loves Stepanek and stop judging them as a couple? Grr. GRR.)

    Justine getting hammered still puts a smile on my face. Lovely game to watch for sure, but I just could not warm to her.

  3. Patrick of La Verne
    Patrick of La Verne March 29, 2013 at 9:14 pm |

    I’m not sure that Ana was ever anything more than a lovely illusion. Her victory over Venus here was the only win in her career against the foursome of Venus (1-8), Serena (0-3), Justine (0-5) and Kim (0-5).

    Ana is 1-21 lifetime against the best players of her time. She was very fortunate, IMO, to have dodged them all in the slams in which she did well, and the confidence issues which were to plague her after she rose to the top are easily understandable considering those numbers.

    That said, thank you for an entertaining look back at a fine tournament.

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