5 Responses

  1. marron
    marron February 9, 2013 at 8:45 pm |

    Agree, JJ, he is not moving the same yet. Confidence is a work in progress.


  2. jodiecate
    jodiecate February 9, 2013 at 9:32 pm |

    Ah well, so much for Rafa’s *toughest* match of the tourney!
    It’s hard to imagine Zeballos giving him much trouble.

    Congrats to Rafa!! 😀

  3. Aube
    Aube February 10, 2013 at 12:08 am |

    I see that Chardy did not bother Rafael none,good! my frazzling was justified, cause I saw Jeremy slaughter Del Po not long ago:)

    Va mos Nadou baby,both trophies would be nice now,single and doubles!Va mos!

  4. Jewell
    Jewell February 10, 2013 at 1:42 am |

    “atomic purple” – I know Nike calls it that, but honestly, it’s crocus! I guess that would be too feminine for the marketing people.

    Thanks for the liveblog – couldn’t stay up to see the match.

  5. Nadal News » Blog Archive » RafaLint: February 10th (pre-finals edition)

    […] LiveAnalysis: Rafael Nadal vs. Jeremy Chardy in the Viña del Mar Semifinals – Juan José (changeovertennis.com) […]

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