9 Responses

  1. achronai
    achronai October 8, 2013 at 8:43 pm |

    Again thank you for your awesome analysis. Do you know which court it was where Nadal won his Olympic gold medal?

  2. Nadal News » Blog Archive » RafaLint: October 8th

    […] Return of Serve Analysis: Novak Djokovic Turns The Tables on Rafael Nadal in Beijing…Sort Of – by Juan José (changeovertennis.com) […]

  3. Galano
    Galano October 9, 2013 at 4:10 pm |

    Thanks for the great analysis. I really enjoy your work.

    A question. The screenshots showing depth of shot placement… the balls are exactly the same for Djokovic as for Nadal. In other words, only the percentages are (hopefully) real. So the balls are just decoration, maybe?

    I assume this is from Hawk-Eye, no? Is there any way to see the actual shot placement? Even better, is possible to obtain the underlying data with coordinates of ball landings…?

  4. Diana
    Diana October 9, 2013 at 7:10 pm |

    Love those, interesting stuff.Thanks!

  5. SamG
    SamG October 11, 2013 at 2:37 pm |

    Thank you! Very interesting and educational. 🙂

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