GIF: Jelena Jankovic Entertains the Charleston Crowd


Amy can be spotted on a tennis court in the Philadelphia area, shanking backhand volleys.

2 Responses

  1. Aube
    Aube April 7, 2013 at 5:32 pm |

    never a dull moment with JJ,I was just saying yesterday on one of these threads, once on the spotlight again, look for the theatrics,there we go:)

    I can’t wait to read her presser later on…

  2. Master Ace
    Master Ace April 7, 2013 at 11:57 pm |

    Not a surprise there as Jankovic loves the spotlight. Will never forget about Jankovic looking at herself via Jumbotron during 2008 USO F and her changing her undies during a changeover during the French after chair refused to let her go to the bathroom.

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